The Research Data website provides information to support researchers across the lifecycle of research data. This starts with foundational information that informs the lifecycle, as well as steps shown in the wheel, from planning to stewarding – the decisions made at the end of a research project. These webpages include informative segments, plus links to resources at UNL and external information.
New and Upcoming Opportunities
SC3L Spring Workshops
The Statistical Cross-disciplinary Collaboration & Consulting Lab is holding weekly workshops during the spring semester on a variety of statistical topics using R and SAS. See the schedule here.

Sandy Now Live
UNL has gained a new research data repository: SANDY: Stewarding Nebraska Data. Read more about it here.

Holland Computing Center Kickstart Workshop Feb 20
HCC is holding a virtual workshop to teach the basics of using HCC clusters and resources on February 20th, from 9:30-3:00. Attendees will need an HCC account and understanding of Bash commands. See HCC site for more details.