Illustration showing research data partners in a hex pattern


2022-2024: The Comprehensive Research Data Strategy Task Force

The Comprehensive Research Data Strategy Task Force was convened to research, plan and author a comprehensive research data strategy for UNL, a holistic, university-wide approach to anticipating, managing and supporting the increasingly complex set of challenges that contemporary researchers face as they create, use and maintain research data. The purpose of the strategy is to enable and sustain groundbreaking research, scholarship and creative activity; maintain and grow institutional competitiveness; mitigate a variety of risks; and avoid redundancy of resources and effort, while anticipating critical gaps and identifying strategic directions for resources and investment. The Task Force was given a charge issued by the executive sponsorship to the Task Force membership upon launch in Fall 2022. In the first stage of the Task Force work, it focused on active research data storage, including human infrastructure factors that help researchers navigate the storage landscape.


The strategy encompasses the full research data life cycle, from project planning/pre-award to data archiving and preservation after active and/or sponsored project phases.

Throughout its work, the Task Force considered security, confidentiality and privacy, compliance, legal and ethical issues, and intellectual property and ownership, including NU system policies on research data and security. 

The strategy focuses on both the technology infrastructures and the expertise (professional, human infrastructures) needed to partner to advance research, and strategies for sustaining and growing both.

Research data for the purposes of this data strategy is defined as digital data – from all disciplines, inclusive of big and small data. Management of physical specimens, such as collections or biological samples, as well as hard copy paper materials will be taken up beyond the scope of this Task Force.

This Task Force was not by itself an implementing group, although there was some overlap between membership and individuals in implementing service units. The Task Force offered strategies for making campus researchers aware of service offerings. Research data services resulting from the strategy must be commonly offered to all researchers, advertised and findable, transparent, synergistic, coordinated across service providing units and non-duplicative/non-competing.


Katherine Ankerson, Executive Vice ChancellorExecutive SponsorAcademic Affairs
Sherri Jones, Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic DevelopmentExecutive SponsorORED
Liz Lorang, Dean of Libraries1Co-chairUniversity Libraries
Jen Nelson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for ResearchCo-chairORED
Garhan AtteburyMember, service unitHolland Computing Center
Tala AwadaMember, faculty/administrator representativeIANR, ARD
Ken BloomMember, faculty representativeCAS, Physics
Scout CalvertMember, service unit; faculty representativeUniversity Libraries
Adam CaprezMember, service unitHolland Computing Center
John CarrollMember, faculty representativeIANR, SNR
Jennifer ClarkeMember, faculty representativeIANR, Food Science and Technology
Samodha FernandoMember, faculty representativeIANR, Animal Science
Yufeng GeMember, faculty representativeIANR, Biological Systems Engineering, Plant Phenomics Core Facility
Toolika GhoseMember, service unitITS, research computing
John FerrinMember, service unitITS, infrastructure
Carrie HeitmanMember, faculty representativeCAS, School of Global Integrative Studies, Center for Digital Research in the Humanities
Alian KasabianMember, service unitORED, research data liaison
Rebecca LaiMember, faculty representativeCAS, Chemistry, Nebraska Center for Materials and Nanoscience
Matthew LongMember, service unitITS, security
Sam MombouMember, service unitORED, Sponsored Programs
Kristen OlsonMember, faculty representativeCAS, Sociology, BOSR
Frank OrdiaMember, faculty representativeArchitecture
Sara QuinnMember, service unitORED, Research Compliance
Doug SchultzMember, faculty representativeCenter for Brain, Biology and Behavior
Chungwook SimMember, faculty representativeCOE, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Samyam ShresthaMember, graduate student representativeGraduate Student Association
Can VuranMember, faculty representativeCOE, School of Computing
Bryan WangMember, faculty representativeCoJMC
Lorey Wheeler Member, faculty representativeCEHS, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools
Catherine WilsonMember, faculty representativeLaw
Hongfeng YuMember, service unit; faculty representativeHolland Computing Center

1Previous Dean of the Libraries, Claire Stewart, was among the executive sponsors at the time the Task Force was initiated. Liz Lorang, Task Force Co-Chair, is now Dean of Libraries.


2022: NIH Data Management and Sharing Task Force

In Fall 2022, a working group composed of some individuals who later became members of the Comprehensive Research Data Strategy Task Force developed a webpage to point researchers to resources relevant to developing data management and sharing plans. This effort was in part to help prepare campus researchers for the January 2023 launch of the National Institutes of Health Data Management and Sharing Policy.