Data sovereignty refers to the idea that data collected and/or stored in a given country or geographic region is bound by the laws within that area.
Special consideration should be given when collecting data with or from Indigenous communities. The CARE Principles extend Open Science principles in a way that affirms Indigenous Knowledge.
For more information on the topic, see:
- CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance - Provides explanations, literature, and resources around indigenous data governance
- Data Governance and Management Toolkit - Resources for Self-Governing Indigenous Governments, includes information and best practices.
- Data as Relation: Indigenous Data Sovereignty and Ethic of Care - A YouTube video presentation by Kayla Lar-Son, Indigenous Services and Programs Librarian at the University of British Columbia
- Smith, D.E. (2016). Governing data and data for governance: the everyday practice of Indigenous sovereignty, Ch. 7 in Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Toward an Agenda. p. 117-138.